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Eligibility for Exam

In order to be eligible to appear for the University Examination a candidate:

1. Shall have undergone satisfactorily the approved course of study in the subjects for the prescribed duration.
2. Shall have attendance of at least 75% of the total number of classes in Theory and Practicals / Clinicals.
3. Shall secure at least 35% of the total marks fixed for Internal Assessment in a particular subject.
4. Shall fulfill any other requirement that may be prescribed by the University from time to time.
5. Who fail in any subjects of MBBS Phase I will have to put up one academic term before he/she becomes eligible to appear for the next examination.
6. Shall pass in all the Phase I (pre clinical) subjects before joining the Phase II (Para clinical) subjects.
7. Who fails in the Phase II examination shall not be allowed to appear in Part I of III phase examination.

• Attendance requirements are 75% in theory and 80% in practical /clinical for eligibility to appear for the examinations in that subject. In subjects that are taught in more than one phase- the learner must have 75% attendance in theory and 80% in practical in each phase of instruction in that subject.

• If an examination comprises more than one subject (for e.g., General Surgery and allied branches), the candidate must have 75% attendance in each subject and 80% attendance in each clinical posting.

• Learners who do not have at least 75% attendance in the electives will not be eligible for the Third Professional – Part II examination.

Internal Assessment
• Learners must secure at least 50% marks of the total marks (combined in theory andpractical / clinical; not less than 40 % marks in theory and practical separately) assignedfor internal assessment in a particular subject to be eligible for appearing at thefinal University examination of that subject.

University Examination:
Criteria for passing in a subject: A candidate shall obtain 50% marks in University conducted examination separately in Theory and Practical (practical includes: practical/ clinical and viva voce) to be declared as passed in that subject.

In subjects that have two papers, the learner must secure at least 40% marks in each of the papers with minimum 50% of marks in aggregate (both papers together) to pass in the said subject.