Basically, the treatment direction depends on diagnostics, which is a key part of patient care. Raja Rajeswari Medical College and Hospital has invested in highly sophisticated diagnostic equipment that incorporates the latest in medical technology. Deeper knowledge on the diagnosis process is gained by the students from the procedures carried out in various labs as well as facilities like CT Scans, MRI, Gamma Camera, Doppler and other specialized equipment.
CT SCAN (Somatom Perspective)
First of its kind in South Asia
Innovative High end 128 Slice
Extensive Radiology & Cardiology Applications
Low Radiation dose
High Image Quality
MRI (Magnetom Avento)
A landmark MRI with 1.5 Tesla Whole Body Imaging System
Landmark in Technology (TIM+DOT) Integrated System
Landmark in Applications (up to 205cm Whole Body Imaging)
MAMMOGRAM (Planmed Sophie Class)
Detects small early tumors
Increases the chances of positive treatment
High Definition Image Construction
Advance, True Broadband Digital Imaging
Wide range of Applications